In March 2024, Sarouem provided a 3-day training on Peacemaking Circles hosted by the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office in partnership...
System & Community Partnership Peacemaking Circle held in Utah
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In March 2024, Sarouem provided a 3-day training on Peacemaking Circles hosted by the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office in partnership...
As a young Cambodian refugee, whose family had come apart after immigrating to Boston, Saroeum Phoung joined with other teens for protection from...
How peacemaking circles are changing King County’s juvenile justice system and staff from the inside out Ashley Mareld, Juvenile Programs Manager...
Every day, Jimmy Hung stands at the window of his fifth-floor office in Seattle’s Central District, staring into an enormous crater where bulldozers...
Conflict in the world is nothing new. From the beginnings of human interaction, there are tales of brother pitted against brother and cultures, and...